Konnichiwa Everyone!
The first meeting was a success! : D
Thanks everyone who came!!!
I mentioned at the meeting the possible location change, that will not need to happen.
I talked to the library aids and they said we will have the room next time and we can just close the door so that will all be fine! =^_^=
She did however ask that we have it end at about 10 till 7 since they like to leave pretty promptly. I said that was fine so around 15 till we'll start to wind out and end.
Here is info that I handed out at the meeting.
Anime Convention Trip
v Tekkoshocon (Anime Con in Pittsburgh)
Ø Dates: March 21st – 25th
Ø Pre-registration:
h $40 for General Admission badges until December 5, 2011
$65 for Premium badges until December 5, 2011
$45 for General Admission badges December 6, 2011 - March 6, 2012
$70 for Premium badges December 6, 2011 - March 6, 2012
Ø General admission
h At the door: $50
Ø Premium Badge
h At the door: Not available
Ø Preview (Wednesday event and Thursday only)
h At the door: $25
Ø Matinee (only Sunday)
h $25
We will talk more about this as a club at a further meeting. If you think, you’re interested in going see me before the end of the meeting.
Fundraising for the Tekko
Each person will personally make a profit from this fundraising. The amount will depend on how much we decide to sell the product for. IE: We pay $2.00 for each Hoagie, we sell them for $3.00 each person will make a $1.00 profit. The money you make on the sales is your trip money. It can go towards ticket, boarding, or just spending money, it is up to you.
v Market on Reynolds Hoagie
v Sarris Candy
T-shirt Design contest
I think it would be a lot of fun to get club t-shirts made, but to do that we need a shirt Image. Instead of finding some random image online and using, it I decided I would make it into a contest for anyone who wants to join. Submissions must be turned in no later than December 13th.
- 1. Must be of something Anime relate
- 2. Pg 13 images
- 3. Must say “Armstrong Anime Club” somewhere
- 4. Must be clear on what it is
- 5. Simple or elaborate
- 6. Can enter more than one entry
- 7. Digital or hand drawn
- 8. Submissions can be e-mailed or handed to me
To decide the winner we will all vote on December 27th and then I will order the shits and get order forums and prices.